Austin wedding curveballs are unavoidable, but fixable when you’re prepared! Of course we always hope for the best, but life has a funny way of reminding us that some things come out of left field. That’s why every wedding can use a ‘Monica.’

For some unexpected moments or necessary precautions, we took note of personal experiences, how catastrophie was avoided, and some advice from wedding planners that have fixed things behind the scenes so your day can be care free- just as it should be! And if you are in need of someone that’s a master, look no further than Pecan Spring Ranch’s very own planner, Paige!
The sewing kit & some scrappy ladies:
It’s not just brides that can have wardrobe snafus. “I’m going to get a size smaller in my bridesmaid dress, that way it will fit the day of and not be baggy after my diet.” Hey, we all have the best of intentions, right? Sometimes it works out, but sometimes you find a bridesmaid in a side room waging war with her dress. Sure, spanx and a ‘can do’ attitude help, but in this story, the zipper went on strike 15 minutes before the wedding. Two women holding the dress shut and one sewing the bridesmaid into her dress not only remedied the situation in the nick of time, but prevented interfering and putting a damper on the bride’s day.

Photo: FranklinsGroup
The open bar and the uncle:
Few things are better than looking out at a group of loved ones, family and dear friends, and knowing they get to share this life changing day with you. However, in some families, there’s a spirited soul that can make or break the day. In one case, he was jovial with a never ending smile. He used the glass of M&Ms to toast the couple since he’d helped himself to every glass of champagne at the table during the toast. The story takes yet another turn and a family member divulged the plan set into place before hand just in case, “did I mention the tables were around the pool? All of us cousins were ready and made a plan just in case things went ary with our uncle. The diversions, a log of activities, and the eventual early trip back to the hotel.” Don’t worry, the uncle let the bride’s friend decline a dance by the pool…granted, the ankle cast probably helped her case. Ultimately, and what really matters, is that the bride got to enjoy his presence during the ceremony, and be free of worry at the reception.
Make-up stash:
While a few designers are getting with the times and finding ways to put pockets into bridal gowns, a few creative ways for a makeup stash have saved many brides, making sure their flawless makeup stays that way. One creative option is getting a ribbon pocket sewn onto your bouquet sash that’s just big enough for a lipgloss and sample compact. Since your bouquet is with you through the vows and photos, use it to your advantage. It’s just one way to sneak another solution for a possible hurdle into your day.
Always remember that regardless of mishaps, there’s always a solution.